Friday, February 25, 2011

Who gets a concussion from getting into a Kombi?

So we all know I am not the world's most coordinated individual. That lack of coordination has reached a new level as of Wednesday. As I stepped onto the Kombi (Van-type taxis that primarily transport students), I somehow managed to stand up right into the doorframe, my head taking the brunt of the collision. I was pretty dizzy and had a headache and nausea right after but I brushed it off as a bad bump. By the time I had vomited twice, I realized the bump may have been harder than I thought. My dad (pharmacist) and Heather’s mom (nurse) both said all my symptoms pointed to a concussion and because I had thrown up, I should go to the doctor. So to the trauma center we went, Bruce (one of our directors) driving and Heather coming along as well. I’m happy to say that the private hospitals are quick, efficient, and clean when you have the means to pay for treatment. (I cannot say the same for the government hospitals, which are a mess. Even the private hospital was not a happy place for those who didn’t have insurance). I still have a headache and am dizzy but nothing too bad. I suppose that’s what I get for being a klutz. Who gets a concussion from getting into a Kombi?

1 comment:

  1. To look at you most would say "there's a coordinated person". Yet you have had more than your share of bumps. ie: the broken arm at the camp on the Oregon Coast. LOL
