Sunday, February 20, 2011

"The Lion King" Gets Put to Shame

Everyone thinks of going on a Safari when they think of Africa. We actually got to! We went to Addo Elephant National Park and Schotia Game Reserve and saw over 22 different kinds of animals. Not only did we see them, we saw them within 25 feet of the bus (at Addo) and the safari vehicles (at Schotia). Rather than list off all the animals and attempt to tell the story of how we saw each unique one, check out the albums on my Facebook. The pictures tell a story far better than I could. Make sure to note the baby elephants, warthogs, zebras, wildebeests, and lions. The cute factor is somehow not diminished by the fact that they are dangerous animals and not a whole lot separates them from you. Schotia Game Reserve was an experience to behold. Not only did we drive in an open safari vehicle, we ate a traditional South African meal of Kudu/Impala stew in an open-air pavilion.
            What the camera couldn’t capture is the true beauty of South Africa’s nature. The sun shone a perfect gold and the sky’s blue was crisper than ever. The hills seemed endless in their rolling. The moon shone brighter and more beautifully when it shone over the hippos and lions of the night. Driving along underneath the African stars and moon, I realized something. Everyone at home gets to see this same beautiful moon. Even though Zach wasn’t in the safari vehicle next to me, he gets to see the same moon every night. Seeing all the beauty yesterday helped me to realize how beautiful all of God’s creation is, even if we see the same landscape every day. We have the gift of beauty in front of us every day. I want to start appreciating it. (Even if there won’t be baby lions in that beauty every day.)

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