Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bush Camp

Bush camp was an experience to be sure. Full of muddy surprises, hand sanitizer was our friend throughout. Lesson number one learned during bush camp: do not take drowsy medication for your cold when you will be entertained with camp activities designed for tweens. Lesson number two: Once the rain starts, you should basically give up on being clean in any sense (other than your hands with our friend the sanitizer). Lesson number three: swimming and canoeing on an African river in the bright sunshine with mountains in view is a breathtaking, once in a lifetime experience. Lesson four: yoga in the rain is quite liberating. Five: army crawling through mud pits is fun but results in every inch of your body harboring some sort of mud. Now I will desist with the numbering. The sun was mean with heat but the fun kept going. I climbed the rock wall all the way to an overhang that became my braking point. The heat was relieved by a nice light rain, which transitioned into a torrential downpour (3 inches in one hour at one point). That annoying but much needed rain proceeded to flood us out of our tents the second night. However, the sleepover on tables pushed together in the dining hall was pretty entertaining (although not overly restful). After the muddy smelly weekend was completed, Langerry seemed an oasis to us all. I’m finally clean and feel mostly dry, though my tennis shoes are reluctant to let go of the mud and moisture of bush camp.

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