Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Long Trek...

Technically the long trek to South Africa began last year but a few days before I left, it started to hit me that I was actually leaving. Packing began to consume my thoughts and may have stressed me out a little (thanks for the patience and Zach J). The night before I left consisted of Zach, Mom, and Dad calming down a slightly freaking out Katie. Packing wasn’t complete till 4:03 am when I left the door. Thankfully Zach got to wait by the gate with me and send me off with a movie worthy airport goodbye and I could see him at the last possible second (cheesy yes I know). Of course the first flight was delayed by an hour so I had my first run through an airport to make my connection in Chicago. The six-hour layover in DC was made even lovelier by spending it with my roommates Laura and Heather. My nerves tingled at a high pitch as I boarded the plane. Thankfully rearrangements were made so that I could sit next to Heather on the wonderful 17-hour plane ride to Johannesburg.
            The first taste of South African culture came with the funny safety video, which came in the form of a cartoon. The plane food began with Tika Masala and kept going with fun new dishes. By the time we arrived in Port Elizabeth we were all sufficiently exhausted and certainly in a daze. We had also gotten used to the chipper South African accents, which lilt and glide along words in a soothing sing song. Norma and Bruce, our directors, were a welcome and cheery sight. I’m not sure I actually saw Langerry Holiday Flats until the next morning when I had woken up slightly more refreshed and phone calls to Zach and parents had been made. The next day was filled with unpacking, beach time, and a grocery store trip.  Settling in was a welcome phenomenon but little did we know that we would be uprooted in a slightly shocking manner during the days to come…

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