Friday, May 6, 2011

Fall Break: Cape Town Day 1

Monday, 25th April           
            We spent Monday and Tuesday in Cape Town. Monday boasted the adventure of Table Mountain. The hike up is 2 hours straight up a gorge so 7 of us elected to take the cable car up and just hike down. The cable car had the capacity to hold over 60 people and its floor rotated 360 degrees as it made the four and a half minute ride up the mountain. We were able to see the city, ocean, and mountain but somehow the view from the top was even better. The mist that hung low to the ground  provided an amazing view of the mountain’s impressive drop, houses climbing its skirt. After a beer on the top with the girls and lunch with the crew who had climbed, we all headed back down the mountain, a trek that would take four and a half hours. The harsh rain on the top dissipated after about 45 minutes and we all dried by the time we made it back down the mountain for the most part. The scenery was absolutely stunning, reminiscent of what I imagine Ireland would look like, combined with a little Lord of the Rings. We had reached a bakkie (truck) path when Taylor decided to find an uneven piece of ground and roll her ankle quite badly. It swelled immensely in the first few minutes and the boys all had to take turns giving her a piggy back down the mountain. Once home, she went to the doctor, Laura accompanying her and Bruce since she hadn’t been to a hospital in SA yet. Heather and I decided to explore our way to The Chocolate House we had passed in the car that morning to buy Taylor some chocolate. We found our way and were pleasantly surprised to enter a room plush with deep red furnishings and gilt in gold. The older lady whose store it was was quite a convincing sales person and we left the irresistible shop with far more chocolate than we had planned on. She had given Heather and I two fresh cream chocolates each, one tasting faintly of Swiss cheese in a delightful way. Despite our slightly more empty pockets, we had tummies full of delicious chocolate and a treat for our wounded friend. Dinner that evening was at a restaurant famous for its burgers and milkshakes. We had great conversation and sat with the tour guides which was interesting since got to hear more about Cape Town that way. The peanut butter banana milkshake and feta cheese on my burger very obviously made for a happy Katie.

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