Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Best Day Ever at the Haven

             Smiles, giggles, hugs, and boerwors were aplenty today at House. Our group had set out to provide the kids at house with a “Fun Day” and that we did. The whole crew was there including all the older kids, all the staff, and the majority of our CSB/SJU group. The jumping castle man set up an extra jumping castle for free and the kids had an absolute blast. Most of the kids were bedecked with face paint by noon. The boys wore Spiderman and batman paint quite proudly and the girls smiled with flowers and rainbows (and of course there were the boys with rainbows and the girls with cars). Cede was a rollercoaster himself today. One minute he was forlornly clinging to me with his head on my shoulder and the next he was a ball of energy bouncing up and down and around on the jumping castle and twirling me in circles. Many of the other kids from the playschool seemed overwhelmed by all the new people, the loud music, and the hyper activity. They seemed to regain energy after the lunch of boerwors, chips, potato and bean salad, and Coca-cola. Our little ones from the playschool were loyal friends and sought each of us out throughout the day. They commanded us to help them jump, carry them on our shoulders, and swing them around in the air. The day was certainly a success if you measure it in smiles and laughs but we all left feeling a little bittersweet that these fun days are numbered.

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