Friday, March 11, 2011

Surfing in Jeffrey's Bay

            Flat 14 embarked on our first road trip today, Jeffrey’s Bay the location of choice. The drive was absolutely gorgeous, winding between cliffs of pine with sudden vistas of river valleys flashing past too fast for a camera to capture. Arriving a little too early to the backpacker from which we would embark on our very first surfing lessons, we lounged around on picnic tables observing our first backpacker and watching the surf. When the time came the wetsuits were scrunched on and boards were loaded up and the trek to the beach was made. The classic land lesson first, water lesson next format was followed, great relief being found when we realized we would only be in up our waist in water. Rather than bore with the details of how we learned, I’ll skip to the chase. I stood up! A lot! (There are pictures on Facebook.) It was so much fun all I could do was smile. Add to that the surprise that my usually clumsy self could actually surf, and I was ecstatic.
            We were a tired bunch after our lesson but decided to walk the beach to find shells, which turned out to be a great decision. The beach was one of the best shell beaches I’ve seen in a long time and climbing over rocks was a picturesque moment. Surprisingly enough, I stopped for a cheesy moment and wrote “I <3 Zach” in the sand and took a dually cheesy picture. When we had satisfied our beach wanderings, we explored the shops in town and had a bite to eat. The afternoon ended with a successful drive home. Overall, the day was a memorable one. My first road trip in a foreign country and surfing successfully all in one day makes for a good one in my books.

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