Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The End of the Adventures in South Africa

The last week afforded little time for reflection and the trip home boasted lots of chickflicks and naps. So as I landed in New York, my brain began to catch up with me and I jotted down a few of my rambling thoughts.
The plane has begun its descent and my heart is both jumping with joy and anticipation and sinking at the finality of it all. I’ve left South Africa. I’ve left the place that became a catalyst for growth, that hosted self-realization and really inspired it. I look out the window and see the shores of the East Coast and realize that I’m in the US again. I’m not going to land hear at least 3 languages and I most likely won’t hear Xhosa for quite some time. While there’s something comforting in being back in one’s usual environment and culture, I can’t say I look forward to the homogeneity. The comfort of my friends and family and the normalcy afforded by being with them is something I’ve been missing the entire time I’ve been gone. I hope that I am able to take the lessons I have learned and hold them close even when I’m not in the country that gave birth to those new ideas. I can’t wait to be back in the presence of those I love and to share my experiences with them.

             By the time I landed in Des Moines, I was simply bouncing in my seat. I saw Zach on the runway as we taxied up to the hanger. I smiled at the pink flowers in this hand and the tie he was wearing.  Of course my dad took forever talking to the pilot and opening the door and I almost knocked him over as I ran down the stairs behind him to get to Zach. Once I landed in Zach’s hug I’m not sure I left until we had to get in the car. Actually I’m pretty sure I still haven’t stopped hugging him. Or talking his ear off for that matter. They say home is where the hear is and spending the last few days with Zach, my friends, and my horses had proved that to be true. I’m so very grateful for my time in South Africa but I’m equally grateful that I’m home with the people I love.